

The Clean Coder

Trivariate Estimates計算機を作った

作ったもの: Trivariate Estimates 計算機 例: O=1, N=2, P=6(時間) ソースコード 技術 学び React GitHub Pages 制限 相対パス対応 subtree切り出し 作ったもの: Trivariate Estimates 計算機 wand2016.github.io The Clean Coderで学んだ見積もり術 楽観的…

The Clean Coder Appendix A Tooling

www.oreilly.com Tooling Tools Source Code Control An "Enterprise" Source Control System Pessimistic versus Optimistic Locking CVS/SVN Branching git IDE/Editor vi Emacs Eclipse/IntelliJ TextMate Issue Tracking Bug Counts Continuous Build Un…

The Clean Coder ch14 Mentoring

www.oreilly.com Mentoring, Apprenticeship, And Craftsmanship Degrees of Failure Mentoring Digi-Comp I, My First Computer The ECP-18 in High School Unconventional Mentoring Hard Knocks Apprenticeship Software Apprenticeship Masters Journeym…

The Clean Coder ch10 Estimation

www.oreilly.com Estimation What Is an Estimate? A Commitment An Estimate Implied Commitments PERT Estimating Tasks Wideband Delphi Flying Fingers Planning Poker Affinity Estimation Trivariate Estimates The Law of Large Numbers Conclusion …

The Clean Coder ch13 Teams And Projects

www.oreilly.com Teams And Projects Does It Blend? The Gelled Team Fermentation Which Came First, the Team or the Project? But How Do You Manage That? The Project Owner Dilemma 英語 Teams And Projects 小さなプロジェクトが多数あったら? 巨大…

The Clean Coder ch7 Acceptance Testing

www.oreilly.com Acceptance Testing Communicating Requirements Premature Precision The Uncertainty Principle Estimation Anxiety Late Ambiguity Acceptance Tests The Definition of "Done" Communication Automation Extra Work Who Writes Acceptan…

The Clean Coder ch12 Collaboration

www.oreilly.com Collaboration Programmers versus People Programmers versus Employers Programmers versus Programmers Owned Code Collective Ownership Pairing Cerebellums 英語 Collaboration チームはプロらしく協力してこそ最高の効果を発揮する …

The Clean Coder ch11 Pressure

www.oreilly.com Pressure Avoiding Pressure Commitments Staying Clean Crisis Discipline Handling Pressure Don't Panic Communicate Rely on Your Disciplines Get Help Conclusion 英語 Pressure 週80時間働き、常にイライラし、深夜2時にCで3000行の…

The Clean Coder ch9 Time Management

www.oreilly.com Time Management Meetings Declining Leaving Have an Agenda and a Goal Stand-Up Meetings Iteration Planning Meetings Iteration Retrospective and Demo Arguments/Disagreements Focus-Manna Sleep Caffeine Recharging Muscle Focus …

The Clean Coder ch6 Practicing

www.oreilly.com Practicing Some Background on Practicing Twenty-Two Zeros Turnaround Time The Coding Dojo kata Wasa Randori Broadening Your Experience Open Source Practice Ethics Conclusion 英語 Practicing さまざまな業界で、「プロ」は「練…

The Clean Coder ch8 Testing Strategies

www.oreilly.com Testing Strategies QA Should Find Nothing QA Is Part of the Team QA as Specifiers QA as Characterizers The Test Automation Pyramid Unit Tests Component Tests Integration Tests System Tests Manual Exploratory Tests Conclusio…

The Clean Coder ch5 Test Driven Development

www.oreilly.com Test Driven Development The Jury Is In The Three Laws of TDD The Litany of Benefits Certainty Defect Injection Rate Courage Documentation Design The Professional Option What TDD Is Not 英語 Test Driven Development TDDはXP由…

The Clean Coder ch4 Coding

www.oreilly.com Coding Preparedness 3 AM CODE Worry Code The Flow Zone Music Interruptions Writer's Block Creative Input Debugging Debugging Time Pacing Yourself Know Hwn to Walk Away Driving Home The Shower Being Late Hope Rushing Overtim…

The Clean Coder ch3 Saying Yes

Saying Yes A Language of Commitment Recognizing Lack of Commitment What Does Commitment Sound Like? It wouldn't work because I rely on person X to get this done. It wouldn't work because i don't really know if it can be done. It wouldn't w…

Clean Cocder ch2 (2/2)

www.oreilly.com Saying No(続き) The Cost of Saying Yes Is Good Code Impossible? The Typical Project Proposal Two Weeks to Completion The Clients Never Care as Much as You Do Result? Rush to Complete, Slow to Market Code Impossible 英語 Say…

Clean Coder ch1 Professionalism

www.oreilly.com Be Careful What You Ask For Taking Responsibility First, Do No Harm Do No Harm to Function QA Should Find Nothing You Must Know It Works Automated QA Do No Harm to Structure Work Ethic Know Your Field Continuous Learning Pr…

The Clean Coder ch2 Saying No (1/2)

www.oreilly.com Saying No Adversarial Roles What about the Why ? High Stakes Being a "Team Player" Trying Passive Aggression 英語 Saying No 権力に対してもNoと言うのがプロ Noと言う勇気 奴隷はNoと言えない 労働者はNoと言うのを遠慮してしまう …

The Clean Coder Preface

www.oreilly.com 著者本人の序文 チャレンジャー号事件の話 事故の原因は、発射当日の気温が低く、Oリングが弾力を失い、高熱ガスがリークしたこと 気温はセ氏-8度、下限温度よりも華氏で約13度低かった 【補】ググると資料ごとに温度が全然違うんですけど… …

The Clean Coder Foreword

www.oreilly.com Matthew Heusser氏による序文 Matthew氏は技術サイドPM、Joe氏はビジネスサイドのPM 技術チームがJoe氏からプロとして見なされていなかった話 法務チームはマイクロマネジメントされないのに、技術チームはされる 当時は技術チームこそ「プ…